Installing PyQt4 for Maya 2012+ (osx)

This is a follow up post to my previous one on Installing PyQt4 for Maya 2011

Recently while putting together my next video tutorial for Python for Maya, I came to a section where I wanted to demo PyQt4 in Maya2012. But I was concerned that viewers would have to go through the complicated steps of building PyQt4. I noticed that other people have made available precompiled PyQt installers for windows (here) but I could not find any for OSX or linux. So I decided to put together a build.

I created a new project on github called MyQt4

Its a Makefile for completely downloading and building PyQt4 for maya, and generating a .pkg installer. Hopefully someone can contribute improvements since I dont have a ton of experience writing makefiles, and also that someone might create a linux version.

Here is a link to the latest pkg build:

**Snow Leopard: **

**Lion:  **

Mountain Lion:

Here are builds other people have made:
